23- le VISTA DOME Train de PUNO, (Poroy) à AGUAS CALIENTES

View the Car Badges, Decals, Flags, Keyrings, Mini Banners, Mugs, Patches, Pins, Posters, Sunglasses, Ties, Umbrellas and Windsocks on your smALL FLAGs store showcase site. To the Machu Picchu,
The train we had reserved does not leave from CUZCO but from the station of POROY around 13 km from Cuzco.
You have to be there in time so plan to order a taxi to take you from your hotel to Poroy.

Le départ se fait de la gare de  POROY a 13 km au nord de CUZCO
un taxi pour aller de l'hotel a la gare et y etre une heure avant le départ du train.

View the Car Badges, Decals, Flags, Keyrings, Mini Banners, Mugs, Patches, Pins, Posters, Sunglasses, Ties, Umbrellas and Windsocks on your smALL FLAGs store showcase site.Cost of  going to Macchu Picchu from Cuzco,  I took all the ticket thru the internet
Oct  2011

Regular train to Machu Picchu from Cuzco to Aguas Calientes, 
USD 112 per person round trip (A/R).

Le  "VISTA DOME" train USD 142 per person round trip (A/R) .

Tarif d'entree sur le site du MACHU PICCHU 296 Soles per person (approx US 55 per person)

I have seen some people taking the train at OLLANTAYTAMBO...
Those with personal car... and those who took a excusion with us to OLLANTAYTAMBO stayed there and took a train later or the next day, for a lesser price. (not much less)
Make sure you have a ticket for the Machu Picchu before buying your train ticket.
Limit 2500 visitors/day

Budget pour le Machu Picchu, les prix sont mentionnes ci dessus,
J'ai achete  tous les billets sur INTERNET.
Attention il faut d'abord etre bien certain d'avoir un billet pour entrer sur le site du Machu Picchu 
avant de prendre vos billets de train.

View the Car Badges, Decals, Flags, Keyrings, Mini Banners, Mugs, Patches, Pins, Posters, Sunglasses, Ties, Umbrellas and Windsocks on your smALL FLAGs store showcase site.the station starts getting busy as the departure time approaches.

View the Car Badges, Decals, Flags, Keyrings, Mini Banners, Mugs, Patches, Pins, Posters, Sunglasses, Ties, Umbrellas and Windsocks on your smALL FLAGs store showcase site.leaving Poroy

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